- What drove you to start lifting weights?
Once I turned 60 I worried about my general fitness and resilience. I walked everyday but I didn’t feel robust or strong.
I read a Herald article about strength training and about Karl who wasn’t judgemental. I felt I could work with him. I was so naive that I didn’t even dawn on me that weight training was part of the regime.
I met with Karl in his gym and knew he was the right guy to do this with. He is very knowledgeable, very motivated to help and no lycra!
- What are the outcomes that surprised you the most?
When I get an escalator next to the stairs, I look forward to sprinting up the stairs because I can now! I am now used to physically challenging and exerting myself. I enjoy feeling robust.
- My biggest reservation was that I had no idea where to start. I looked around at yoga-ish places, gyms, fitness machines, etc. I couldn’t see myself doing it and getting results.
When I spoke to Karl, I could see that you learn the basic technique with mentoring and equipment and encouragement to gradually challenge yourself. I had to supply the courage and make the jump.
- I cannot believe what my strength can do, now that I have learnt the technique. I am into fitness now.
Each week I cycle one time for the heart, the other to burn weight and I do weight training for the upper and lower body twice a week. I even walk home after all of these. I finish at 8 in the morning feeling like gold. 4 hours a week in the gym each week.
I am about to lift 100kg off the floor soon and this incomprehensibly amazes me.