What drove you to start lifting weights?
I am 77 years old. I wanted to maintain the muscles in my arms and shoulders as I was getting weaker as I got older. I tried having a set of weights at home but was not consistent enough. So I enrolled at the local gym and felt very out of place with all the mirrors and the muscle bound guys moving from machine to machine in an apparently random fashion. So I found Groundwork Fitness where I finally learnt how to do the four basic lifts properly.
What are the outcomes that have surprised you the most?
I have got stronger and am feeling much better in myself
What reservations did you have about starting weight training
I really did not know what muscles to try to build up first
Any advice for others thinking of taking it up.
Exercise is really the best medicine for us at any age. The older we get the more important it is to keep our bones strong by putting them under pressure – lifting weights is the way to go – at least three times a week